"Self knowledge leads to healing"
"You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8, 32)
AESCULAPIO wants to help you to fulfill it
"I the Lord AM your healer". (Exodus 15, 26)
"I AM the way, I AM the truth, and I AM life." (Joh. 14,6)
"Come to Me all whose work is hard, whose load is heavy;
and I will give you relief." (Mathew 11, 28)
In the therapy we may connect with this Force (called "Breath of Life" or
"Liquid Light" expressed through the physiological
processes of what
Dr. Sutherland called the First Respiratory Mechanism,
being the cerebrospinal fluid its fundamental unit.
Treating this mechanism it (the physician within) will do the work for us,
since the body is a self-healing organism.
Therefore we treat the health, not the disease.
These words have not been pronounced to decorate books and cards,
but to become reality.
Let us feel Its power!